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Case study leader: Öko-Institut


Germany is a large highly populated, and highly developed country. Whereas agriculture is not its major economical activity, farming is well developed and highly mechanized. Land competition is an issue in Germany, as most of its territory is dedicated to productive activities. The LMTs considered in Germany are peatland management, avoided grassland conversion, afforestation/reforestation, and forest management.

Germany’s Scenarios for Land Based Mitigation – A Summary for Policymakers
Adam Biorecro Adam Biorecro

Germany’s Scenarios for Land Based Mitigation – A Summary for Policymakers

We’ve identified a portfolio of land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs for short) that stakeholders across Germany’s land-use sector consider to be the best suited to the German context.

These include BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage), afforestation, forest management, conservation of carbon in agricultural mineral soils, and preservation of carbon in organic soils and wetlands.

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