Sustainability and Resilience Workshop Attracts Nearly 100 Delegates

In May 2021 co-hosted the Open Government Week (OG Week) 5.2 Sustainability and Resilience Workshop with European Commission partners and the Indonesian Government. This followed a Kick-off Workshop (5.1) in March 2021.

The workshop aimed to strengthen the communication and collaboration between stakeholders. In addition to LANDMARC, the workshop brought in two other projects that is working on: TIPPING+ (2020-2023), which aims to find the possible tipping point in moving towards the use of clean energy; and IKI Small Grants (2021-2022), which aims to create a carbon offset scheme using biogas and blockchain technology.

This event was held on 20 May 2021. 99 participants attended, representing policymakers, research institutes, universities, and the public. Through Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and the stakeholders had a profound discussion in finding potential activities to enrich mitigation actions through the ongoing projects.

The TIPPING+ discussion summarized that supporting policy and market chain will foster the transition towards clean energy.

On the LANDMARC discussion, the implementation of climate and land-use models in land-based mitigation actions was gathered for our LMT (Land-use Mitigation Technology) narrative, such as WANULCAS (assessing the environmental impact of potential land use) and GENRIVER (impact potential land use to the riverine system). Other LMTs that might be helpful in LMT narratives and co-design were furthered discussed.

Finally, potential collaborations within the IKI Small Grants Project were also discussed, such as promoting capacity-building and scientific outreach regarding blockchain for carbon offset validation and verification.

Collaboration between stakeholders is essential in addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation. Governmental agents, non-governmental organisations (e.g., educational institutions, research institutes) and private firms are important in changing mainstream narratives in clean energy transition and land-use mitigation in Indonesia.

In addition to mitigation actions, NGOs can also participate in adaptation measures by organising activities to expand knowledge management and strengthen the local capacity. Thus,’s workshop served two main purposes: 1) addressing every actor’s role and 2) aligning each stakeholders’ vision.

Beyond the workshop, intends to continuously contribute to the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) movement in Indonesia and support the transition towards clean energy and the land-based mitigation actions.

You can read the workshop report here, and more about and our work here.


Land-Based Mitigation Technologies for Indonesia


Sustainability and Resilience Kick-off Workshop